

Star Citizen Ship Info Tracker
SC-SIT - v1.0.4 [BETA]

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52 ships currently available for purchase

(Updated 217402 minutes ago)

-   See ship info history log   -

MISC Prospector
https://robertsspace ... isc-prospector/Prospector
- Standalone Ship price: $0.00
- Ship upgradable

Aegis Avenger Titan
https://robertsspace ... gis-avenger/Avenger-Titan
- Standalone Ship price: $0.00
- Package price: $0.00
- Ship upgradable

Aegis Vanguard Sentinel
https://robertsspace ... anguard/Vanguard-Sentinel
- Standalone Ship price: $0.00
- Ship upgradable

Drake Cutlass Blue
https://robertsspace ... rake-cutlass/Cutlass-Blue
- Standalone Ship price: $0.00
- Ship upgradable

RSI Constellation Taurus
https://robertsspace ... tion/Constellation-Taurus
- Standalone Ship price: $0.00
- Ship upgradable

MISC Freelancer DUR
https://robertsspace ... freelancer/Freelancer-DUR
- Standalone Ship price: $0.00
- Package price: $0.00
- Ship upgradable

MISC Freelancer MAX
https://robertsspace ... freelancer/Freelancer-MAX
- Standalone Ship price: $0.00
- Ship upgradable

Anvil F7C-S Hornet Ghost
https://robertsspace ... hornet/F7C-S-Hornet-Ghost
- Standalone Ship price: $0.00
- Ship upgradable

Anvil F7C-R Hornet Tracker
https://robertsspace ... rnet/F7C-R-Hornet-Tracker
- Standalone Ship price: $0.00
- Ship upgradable

RSI Aurora CL
https://robertsspace ... hips/rsi-aurora/Aurora-CL
- Standalone Ship price: $0.00
- Ship upgradable

RSI Aurora LN
https://robertsspace ... hips/rsi-aurora/Aurora-LN
- Standalone Ship price: $0.00
- Ship upgradable

Origin 315p
https://robertsspace ... dge/ships/origin-300/315p
- Standalone Ship price: $0.00
- Ship upgradable

Origin 325a
https://robertsspace ... dge/ships/origin-300/325a
- Standalone Ship price: $0.00
- Ship upgradable

RSI Constellation Andromeda
https://robertsspace ... n/Constellation-Andromeda
- Standalone Ship price: $0.00
- Package price: $0.00
- Ship upgradable

RSI Aurora MR
https://robertsspace ... hips/rsi-aurora/Aurora-MR
- Standalone Ship price: $0.00
- Package price: $0.00
- Ship upgradable

Origin 300i
https://robertsspace ... dge/ships/origin-300/300i
- Standalone Ship price: $0.00
- Ship upgradable

MISC Freelancer
https://robertsspace ... isc-freelancer/Freelancer
- Standalone Ship price: $0.00
- Package price: $0.00
- Ship upgradable

Drake Cutlass Black
https://robertsspace ... ake-cutlass/Cutlass-Black
- Standalone Ship price: $0.00
- Package price: $0.00
- Ship upgradable

Drake Mule
https://robertsspace ... om/pledge/ships/mule/Mule
- Standalone Ship price: $0.00
- Ship upgradable

Anvil Terrapin
https://robertsspace ... e/ships/terrapin/Terrapin
- Package price: $0.00

RSI Constellation Aquila
https://robertsspace ... tion/Constellation-Aquila
- Standalone Ship price: $0.00
- Ship upgradable

Consolidated Mustang Alpha
https://robertsspace ... ips/mustang/Mustang-Alpha
- Standalone Ship price: $0.00
- Package price: $0.00
- Ship upgradable

Anvil F7C Hornet
https://robertsspace ... s/anvil-hornet/F7C-Hornet
- Standalone Ship price: $0.00
- Package price: $0.00
- Ship upgradable

Aegis Avenger Stalker
https://robertsspace ... s-avenger/Avenger-Stalker
- Standalone Ship price: $0.00
- Ship upgradable

Aegis Gladius
https://robertsspace ... dge/ships/gladius/Gladius
- Standalone Ship price: $0.00
- Ship upgradable

RSI Aurora ES
https://robertsspace ... hips/rsi-aurora/Aurora-ES
- Standalone Ship price: $0.00
- Ship upgradable

Anvil Carrack Expedition
https://robertsspace ... arrack/Carrack-Expedition
- Package price: $0.00

Consolidated Mustang Beta
https://robertsspace ... hips/mustang/Mustang-Beta
- Standalone Ship price: $0.00
- Ship upgradable

Consolidated Mustang Gamma
https://robertsspace ... ips/mustang/Mustang-Gamma
- Standalone Ship price: $0.00
- Ship upgradable

Anvil Carrack
https://robertsspace ... dge/ships/carrack/Carrack
- Standalone Ship price: $0.00
- Ship upgradable

Greycat ROC-DS
https://robertsspace ... m/pledge/ships/roc/ROC-DS
- Standalone Ship price: $0.00
- Ship upgradable

https://robertsspace ... /pledge/ships/hull/Hull-A
- Standalone Ship price: $0.00
- Ship upgradable

Consolidated Nomad
https://robertsspace ... /pledge/ships/nomad/Nomad
- Standalone Ship price: $0.00
- Package price: $0.00
- Ship upgradable

Greycat ROC
https://robertsspace ... .com/pledge/ships/roc/ROC
- Standalone Ship price: $0.00
- Ship upgradable

https://robertsspace ... edge/ships/argo-mole/MOLE
- Standalone Ship price: $0.00
- Ship upgradable

Crusader Ares Inferno
https://robertsspace ... rusader-ares/Ares-Inferno
- Standalone Ship price: $0.00
- Ship upgradable

Anvil C8X Pisces Expedition
https://robertsspace ... ces/C8X-Pisces-Expedition
- Standalone Ship price: $0.00
- Package price: $0.00
- Ship upgradable

RSI Mantis
https://robertsspace ... e/ships/rsi-mantis/Mantis
- Standalone Ship price: $0.00
- Ship upgradable

Anvil Ballista
https://robertsspace ... s/anvil-ballista/Ballista
- Standalone Ship price: $0.00
- Ship upgradable

Anvil Arrow
https://robertsspace ... e/ships/anvil-arrow/Arrow
- Standalone Ship price: $0.00
- Package price: $0.00
- Ship upgradable

Drake Vulture
https://robertsspace ... ips/drake-vulture/Vulture
- Standalone Ship price: $0.00
- Ship upgradable

Origin 100i
https://robertsspace ... dge/ships/origin-100/100i
- Standalone Ship price: $0.00
- Package price: $0.00
- Ship upgradable

Origin 125a
https://robertsspace ... dge/ships/origin-100/125a
- Standalone Ship price: $0.00
- Ship upgradable

Origin 135c
https://robertsspace ... dge/ships/origin-100/135c
- Standalone Ship price: $0.00
- Ship upgradable

Anvil Hawk
https://robertsspace ... om/pledge/ships/hawk/Hawk
- Standalone Ship price: $0.00
- Ship upgradable

Origin X1
https://robertsspace ... es.com/pledge/ships/x1/X1
- Standalone Ship price: $0.00
- Ship upgradable

Tumbril Cyclone
https://robertsspace ... dge/ships/cyclone/Cyclone
- Standalone Ship price: $0.00
- Ship upgradable

Drake Dragonfly Black
https://robertsspace ... dragonfly/Dragonfly-Black
- Standalone Ship price: $0.00
- Package price: $0.00
- Ship upgradable

MISC Reliant Kore
https://robertsspace ... hips/reliant/Reliant-Kore
- Standalone Ship price: $0.00
- Ship upgradable

Tumbril Cyclone RN
https://robertsspace ... /ships/cyclone/Cyclone-RN
- Package price: $0.00

Anvil C8R Pisces
https://robertsspace ... s/anvil-pisces/C8R-Pisces
- Standalone Ship price: $0.00
- Ship upgradable

RSI Scorpius Antares
https://robertsspace ... scorpius/Scorpius-Antares
- Standalone Ship price: $0.00
- Ship upgradable

Nydoo Mining Group - Star Citizen Ship Info Tracker - SC-SIT v1.0.4 - Last modified 2022-07-21